Beware - this is archived content that is only kept online as a historical reference point.

Within this section are the MRCS (OCC) regulations and syllabus, which ceased on 31 January 2016. The MRCS (OCC) was open to candidates who sat the examination overseas and consisted of a Part A (MCQ) examination and Part B (OSCE) section.

MRCS (OCC) regulations (pre Jan 2016)

MRCS regulations

MRCS (OCC) syllabus (pre Jan 2016)

The syllabus for the examination fully integrates basic science and clinical knowledge. The aim of the syllabus is to set out for candidates a comprehensive description of the breadth and depth of the knowledge, skills and attributes expected of them. The syllabus thus provides a framework around which a programme of preparation and revision can be structured. It also sets out the areas in which candidates will be examined.

The MRCS Syllabus can be downloaded in pdf format below:

MRCS OCC syllabus